20-04-2022 18:40:32:ExceptionSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Service.printReport(String DoctorName, String TestName, String PAGE, String PatientName, String uid, String PSex, String mLocationReport, Int32 age, Int32 agetype, Int32 gendr, Int32 OrderId, Int32 TestId, Int32 PatType, Int32 IPID, Int32 HSPLocationID, Int32 SexID, String LocationName, DataSet dsResult, Int32 stationid, String username, Int32 islogoshow, String wardname, Boolean blprint, Int32 mReportId, Int32 locid, Boolean CultureNegative, Int32 flagnablPrint) in d:\WorkSpace\MobileProjects\PatientPortal\PatientPortalReportServices\App_Code\Service.cs:line 4237 20-04-2022 18:40:32:normal